The results were discussed with dozens of psychiatrists, RB, revealed that the consent of all the psychiatrists who took part in it, with a diagnosis. This study relates to the field of psychiatry and social work is based on P. B. Gannushkina On. In. Kerbikova, M. and. Buyanova, A. E. Licko, in. I. Gindikin, B. A. Guryeva.
The structure of this paper is as follows: after a biography should be a part devoted to the analysis of the available biographical data.
The following are the diagnostic criteria according to the International Classification of Diseases 10th revision (chapter V (F) ... Evidence in this case are the statements of the object of study or assessment, and memories of people long and closely communicate with him (which corresponds to the standard psychiatric methodology for collecting objective and subjective history).
In the ...
Alexander G. Lukashenko.
Born August 30, 1954. in the village of Kopys Orsha district, Vitebsk region.
In 1961-1971 he. studied at the school of Alexandria, was a member of the Komsomol committee, headed politmassovy sector. In the Young Communist League came in 1969.
In the 1971-1975 period. studied the history department of the Mogilev Pedagogical Institute. Qualification - a teacher of history and social. Distributed to the Secretary of the Komsomol committee of secondary school N1 in d. Shklov (Mogilev region). In this capacity, he worked from August to October 1975. In the same year he married Galina Zholnerovich.
Structure and analysis of personality abnormality.
Analysis of the biography draws attention to the fact that more than 2 or 3 years (and often several months) Lukashenko (hereinafter - L. ) In any place of work is not kept, due to the problems of maintaining normal relations with the group, social group, especially on an emotional level as well as failure to obey the existing social norms and subcultural stereotypes.
Alexander Feduta, a former head of the social and political information of the Presidential Administration:.
... ) Confirmed anecdotal phrase attributed to rumor his wife, Galina Rodionovna: ... ... 262 ).
Curious? . go for a number of serious violations of the law, necessary for the retention of power, it took about two years.
Inability to stay long in one place of work, as well as frequent changes in activity profile shows the periods of exclusion in the professional field (directly on the specialty of the teacher worked only three months). At times, observed episodes of social exclusion (for example, switching to less socially meaningful work Shklovsky executive secretary of the district society ... Mogilev, the second episode of his military service, beating the tractor, the continuing scandal over extramarital affairs ). There is a constant family maladjustment ( not living with his wife, but neither draws a divorce, does not wear a wedding ring ).
Data on childhood are few and far. With high probability we can assume the formation of severe psychological conditions, taking into account the subcultural stereotype of East Belarusian villages in relation to an illegitimate, and low material wealth parent families.
Alexander Feduta:.
... He was born in 1954, when the village had not yet really recovered after the war and hunger, and fear. The extra piece of bread in such a family is simply impossible, and the danger of losing poor wealth was quite real. ...
It is also not excluded, and psychiatric history on paternal. Also, do not fully clarified, the question of national identity L. In oral testimony of persons near and long-term interacting with A. He talked about the frequent changes of sexual partners of his mother, and how he watched the sexual acts from the attic, where he ... ... ... 235 ). According to reports, the school went smoothly, stood stubborn sports, however, any significant progress in any school, in sports or not achieved (the initial signs of an emerging hypercompensation ).
In oral evidence classmates while studying at Mogilev Pedagogical Institute with her fellow students did not communicate, it did not have any friends, distinguished by exaggerated the principal character, pettiness, militant meticulous attitude to issues related to human self, that did not correspond to the actual situation.
Revealing episode described a neighbor. Lukashenko's dormitory: the replacement of linen having torn sheets, A. more than an hour arguing dormitory housekeeper that she is negligent to their professional duties, and it spoils his life.
The first time came to the attention of psychiatrists after the teacher's college, when, having appeared at the reception to the first secretary of the regional party committee, A. persistently asked to appoint him chairman of the kolkhoz, referring to his rural origins and knowledge of farming. A. promised to make him a trusted farm best. According to one of the leaders of the Mogilev Regional Psychiatric Hospital, the same L. was sent for examination. He was diagnosed ' mosaic psychopathy ...
This episode was interpreted as a manifestation of overvalued ideas, and was wound up out-patient card, which subsequently got information that the L. was the reserve of the army under Article. 7b with the same diagnosis in 1982 from his post as political officer in the / h 04 104. It is known that any serious medical conditions L. does not suffer, which is an indirect confirmation of the facts. In the period 1977-78. oblpischetorga director of Mogilev, where A. then worked as a secretary of the Komsomol, he turned to nachmedu MOPB with a request for a psychiatric examination of L. due to the fact that he collects any minor violations of the production process and labor discipline, trying to present them as evidence of alleged mafia-like structure open to them. A. during this period differed inappropriate behavior ( ignoring social norms and subcultural stereotypes of their social group ), communicated mainly with loaders and low-skilled workers, rather successfully manipulating them to engage in the fight against the administration. Was recommended for transfer to the executive committee administration oblpischetorga (on all available information, a step the administration was motivated by a desire to get rid of L. as a source of numerous conflicts).
However, the new place of L. could not resist for the same reasons. An indirect confirmation of failure A. to maintain normal service relationship is a translation of promising and the prestigious post of Instructor October Executive Committee Mr.. Mogilev on the work of the executive secretary of the society ... Shklov.
A patient's medical record. was stolen from the archives MOPB during the presidential elections ( between the first and second rounds of voting ), then a mental hospital nachmedom Sakadyntsem On. On. and employee Oblzdrava Orekhovsky, witnesses were employees of a mental hospital which. Immediately after the arrival of A. to power, Mr. Orekhovsky appointed Deputy. Minister of Health of Belarus, and Mr Sakadynets becomes deputy. chief oblzdravotdela.
As a further argument in favor of the fact that A. faced with the activities of psychiatrists from personal experience as a patient, we can consider the case with the Minister of Defence of RB Chumakov.
In 1998, the inspection of the Minister of Defence of RB lechkomissiey Chumakov, he found a mental illness that is inconsistent not only with the leadership, but in general the service in the Armed Forces. Reactions to the conclusion of the Commission on the need to exit the Minister of Defense to retire for health reasons are not followed, although the lack of information L. In this regard it is extremely unlikely.
The following year, in the Commission's medical psychiatrist was not included, resulting in the commission could neither confirm nor refute the diagnosis of the exposed.
Anatoly Uninvited, ...
... However, for some reason, those who are supposed to make such personnel decisions, they have not heard. A year later, in December 1999, at the time of the survey once again disappointing diagnosis was confirmed. On this fact the Security Council addressed to the head of state was even prepared the corresponding memorandum. We have no information about what was the reaction of the President. We only note that during the board meeting of the Defence Ministry, which took place in early March, President Alexander Lukashenko, among other issues touched on this problem. According to our sources in the military, the generals at the meeting the president has publicly stated that all the rumors about the disease Chumakov - innuendo. At the same time, he accused a senior Defense Ministry officials in a conspiracy. They say that nothing of each other podsizhivat. ...
Following the publication of this article in the ... However, there were some questions: who among psychiatrists diagnosed and put what happened next? . ? . ? . previously encountered problems because of the state of his mental health, and is afraid to set a precedent.
Analysis of the individual L. finds:.
1) an extreme tendency to manipulate others, falsehood;.
She left the house... and went to the editorial side. Nearby, two hundred yards - a house Lukashenko. Next to him - the government, ... This means that the landlord. I added a step. Lukashenka came to the editor twenty minutes later,. At its government, ... Undoing the zipper blue tracksuit, said:.
- Fu, Zamora. He came to the editor directly from the field ...
Enough... clearly visible reaction of fear in L. the events of 17. 10. 1999, after which he was for 10 days did not show up anywhere.
Repeatedly voiced by... A. allegation that he was the only member of SA RB who voted against the Belovezh agreements refuted transcripts of RB Sun 12th convocation. Almost all the activity A. replete with examples of lies and manipulation. The most striking example is the L. referenda ( as a manipulation of the opinion of the whole people, and their results), as well as the construction and conduct of the election campaign to the first President of the Republic of Belarus.
2) a tendency to overvalued entities, suspicion, and a general tendency to distort the facts by an incorrect interpretation of a tendency to explain events around them as well as all the world, based on the ...
A. ... ... In the mind there is nothing accidental. After all, they were surrounded by enemies, and in 1917, and in 1940, and in any year from 1946 to 1986, but L. it selects the 1941, why? . At the same time in 1941 - the year of the most difficult when there are no allies when few people believe in a good outcome, except, of course, the very ... Seems to claim.
In 1977.... Attention is called passing a red thread through this fight the idea of ... The word ... So significant for paranoid personality disorder that made in the diagnostic criteria of ICD-10.
According to the newspaper... ... Lukashenko as pure improvisation. Conspiracies against the head of state in Minsk open almost every quarter. Once a. Lukashenko and ORT correspondent P. Sheremet accused of preparing terrorist attacks to kill the President ... ( 22 ). The emergence of ideas of conspiracy with the aim of overthrowing or killing of L. That is absolutely natural and logical in the functioning of psychopathic personality. A man of this type throughout life feels outstanding, endowed with the purpose.
complete analysis.
3) lack of close friends and inability to maintain relationships;.
... ... Lukashenko. In a small town near Minsk ended meeting of the chairman, ... As always, was a success, delighted the audience and, of course, dinner here, along with the local organizers of the meeting. But most of all to my companion etched in my memory the words spoken by Galina Rodionovna, wife of presidential candidate. It so happened that, thanking his assistants, she said she is pleased that Alexander finally made friends, who never in his life he had no. ...
Question... who cares all in Shklov. Not a family formed the duo of Alexander G. and Galina Rodionovna. I judge this by personal observations. Lukashenko was given to amorous adventures with the pressure of a lonely, longing for the love of a man. Similarly, in the pool with his head. With the hope of finally finding happiness. And every time undertaken more conversations with my wife for a divorce. But she always kept saying, ...
The inability to maintain relationships... evident in the virtual absence of a unified command, which he did not manage to form in more than six years in power. It is noted, and the inability to maintain personal relations ( with his wife is not living, emotional relationships and contacts are not supported, but neither draws a divorce, does not wear a wedding ring ). Apparently, the constant lover and does not, in any case, the media regularly leaked information about his many extramarital affairs.
4) the tendency to experience their high- value, which shows a constant allocation of what is happening on your account, the constant references to himself in conjunction with high self-esteem;.
For A.... theme of the army, weapons, defense, military threats and m. n. is one of the most pressing ( repeatedly repeated statements about protecting the airspace of the Russian Federation by the Belarusian air defense regret at the withdrawal of nuclear weapons from the territory of Belarus, the initiative to set up joint groups, underlining ... n. ). For the paranoid psychotic fixation on this type of range of issues is natural, it reflects the ever-present fear and increased aggression as its consequence ( the position of ...
A.... ' You are there not invested a penny, a dollar, and Sergei Stepanovich there do not put a dime or dollar. The money earned by me, I have not the budget, and if you have a wooden ruble invested there, well, thank God, and the currency component of the President does not give you the budget, and it is doing for children, for your children '. (A. on the construction of the Ice Palace. It seems that he genuinely believes that the money the various budget funds belong to him personally, and he personally earned - AVT. ).
Russian artist Andrei Budaev presented a number of paintings devoted to Lukashenko.
Andrew Buda - a member of the Russian and Moscow Union of Artists since 1995, is engaged in political and social posters. His works are in Budaeva private and corporate collections in Russia and abroad, were exhibited in Washington, New York, Paris, Berlin, Copenhagen.
... The diagnosis of disappointing, but there's blame the artist less than others. And the crucial person and his paintings are not particularly to blame for that - the person as a person, so what are the. We do them for the most part, chose themselves, and Andrew Budaev mounted only where necessary for clarity and arranged on the canvas. , ...
In the analysis of sentences L. it is clear that self is chosen for him, or her own views and aspirations - the only true and indisputable, activities - infallible and objective - true and not subject to correction. There is the following clinical dynamics: the importance of self becomes the world scale, leveled the old landmarks, and are becoming increasingly important global. A conflict. with the United States - is above all a way to satisfy their morbid ambitions: conflict with Poland or Germany too small for such a ... The alliance with Russia the same kind, it provides an opportunity to feel like a world leader. Thus, the presence of a core overvalued ideas of the special significance of the self in L. can be considered proven.
5) sadistic, low frustration tolerance and low threshold for aggressive behavior, including violence;.
Information about the love... A. to monitor the enforcement of death sentences confirmed from other sources, in person, long and closely enough to communicate with him. A number of studies (Lykken, 1957; Hare, 1970; Loeb. Psychopathic personality needs to be much stronger excitation ( stimulation) to enjoy. If an ordinary person experiences an emotional satisfaction from the good music, the beauty of nature, sexuality, clever joke or a job well done, the psychopathic personality needs to be much more dramatic, ... The same factor is a call-to- constant change of sexual partners.
Olga Pavlova... ... Shklov feverish talk about the fact that the director of state farm ... Bob liked to attach to the bottle. One of his little drunk, and found the director. Alexander G. was very strict in this regard. And yet - a fast one on the massacre. He pulled Vasya from the tractor, beat him, so much so that the poor thing broke my leg. A lot of effort and then had to make Lukashenka, to hush up the scandal and did not allow the matter to court.
Video of the... of any conference call, other similar events provide many examples of aggressive behavior boorish A. with respect to his subordinates, the constant use of threats and intimidation. Noteworthy is also expressed vindictiveness A. in conjunction with a grudge.
6) inability to experience guilt and to benefit from negative experiences;.
A.... ... You can now congratulate. Than you see on the parliamentary elections? ... It is obvious that despite the lack of recognition by the international community the results of a referendum in 1996, non-recognition of the results of elections to local Soviets of People's Deputies, the legitimacy of L. as president since July 21, 1999, election results in the PP of the National Assembly in 2000, L. not able to soberly assess the situation and change the current policy, or at least, their behavior, at least to the media.
Despite the extreme... the deteriorating economic situation in the country, the growing gap with the other former Soviet states, increasing international isolation of Belarus, A. continues to adhere to the views and principles of management, made them at the beginning of his term. For a psychopath situation inability to learn from experience is a legitimate force in the non-repudiation of the overvalued ideas. While a healthy person in a similar situation trying to achieve a result in another way, for A. all methods and means defined once and for all, and may not be amended. A. ... And it gave me the opportunity today to say that we will not adjust its exchange rate, it is defined exactly. ...
7) The gross and consistent position of irresponsibility and disregard for social rules and norms.
Inability to predict long-term consequences of their actions and decisions, and unwillingness to take responsibility for them is clearly seen in the bottom of many decrees L. (for example, the Decree № 40): ... It just takes a decision on seizure of property to the state, and the point. The victim may, of course, apply to the court - the latter suddenly recognizes him not guilty of causing damage to the state. But our courts have reached a level of independence that their position will probably coincide with the solution, ... ... (Alexander Potupa, 28). The issue of the decree number 40, given L. When he participated in the program at BT December 16, 1999, forced him to justify himself: ... unfair decision with respect to what else, but I want to protect our country ... ( 72 ). In the words of L. clearly seen fear take responsibility for the decision.
At... throughout his life L. shows a persistent disregard for social rules and norms, masked by the position of non-conformism, and the struggle for ... In this aspect worth mentioning the following points: expulsion of ambassadors from Drozdov, the departure from the Millennium Summit immediately after delivering his speech without listening to other participants, and of course, the most striking example - the violation of the constitution (the main body of the state of social rules and norms ) in 1996. Well, and that very small change in this background is the constant ... On. Chernomyrdin.
Questions 1-7 are the diagnostic criteria of ICD-10 (Chapter V (F) ...
It also seems necessary to note the following: thinking is rezonersky nature are clearly seen affective elements of logic, the propensity to overvalued entities, rigidity of thought. Vocabulary does not meet the education and social position occupied by the intellect is not above average. Of certain interest is the analysis of preferences in the choice of foreign partners, as well as frequent in the statements of reservations.
Logic-chopping, as such, shows a tendency to empty, barren, based on superficial analogies, formal reasoning, verbosity, and the banality of judgments. Here are some examples of the logic-chopping speeches L. :.
A. Lukashenko at his meeting with the creative team of BTRC:.
... Here let us not say in the open like this, but somehow about under the table, under the carpet, there is something to depict, not to show his face or something - this is absolutely not do . For this is the intelligence and the KGB. And we are engaged in a particular public work, and it has its own criteria and principles. And to move away from these criteria and principles - it would be funny, at least, disingenuous, and that sooner or later will come out to the surface and blow up that system, we are trying to create ... ( 73 ).
In the snippet, the text clearly infringed the formal logical relationships, and his intuitive sense of the possible guess, than to understand it using normal logic. The process of reasoning is cyclical in nature.
Manifestations rezonerskogo thinking quite often found in the speech of L. (Of course, not in speeches written by speechwriters ). Logic-chopping of psychopaths is intended to compensate for their lack of intellectual and affective logic. Multiple repetitions in the speech of harping on the same ideas or themes psychopath given the opportunity and time to formulate their thoughts. Whereas the normal thinking person this is happening more quickly and independently, psychopath, as a rule, you need a companion. This structure of speech reflects poorly -developed verbal thinking and low ability to synthesize and analyze.
>>complete analysis.
' The friendship of the diagnosis ...
During his tenure as President of the Republic of Belarus A. really managed to establish strong partnerships only with countries where the rulers were in power, the totalitarian type ( Saddam Hussein, Slobodan Milosevic, Fidel Castro ), despite the fact that the establishment and maintenance of such relations undoubtedly inflicted damage to the economy and the political image of the state.
Formally speaking, there is no diagnostic test as a ...
' For the sake of peace in the country I am ready to sacrifice his own mind '.
This section can not be regarded as a formal, self- diagnostic test, but at the same time complement and illustrate the previous, t. to. reservations accurately characterize a person, especially hidden and not fully conscious of its characteristics. Almost all psychiatrists agree with the statement S. Freud, that reservations are disclosed in the real aims and objectives of the individual.
Intelligence, education level, and especially of thinking.
A. ... In Soviet times, to come back with a mug, it was necessary to go to the Central Committee of the Politburo in the Kremlin. This is the safety of our state. There is the president of a small reserve - a rainy day, I will not give up! .
A. ... The fact that in the West do not like me - is a matter of time. I still love you ... ( 78 ).
A. ...
The video sessions, quotations from speeches in which L. listed above, in the moments when he speaks of the simple and appropriate to the intellectual level things are clearly visible as follows: in contrast to the normal state, is removed by excessive muscle tension throughout the body, body language is a living, adequate and unclenched his fists, lost an edge cutting movements . This reaction appears very often and it seems legitimate.
Determined by the pronounced personality changes that define the whole way of living A. , There is a possibility of their ancestral origins, their expression and contributed to the development of living conditions in childhood and adolescence. These changes were totally define his whole mental image, they are relatively stable and maloobratimy, appear stiff reaction to the wide range of personal and social situations.
... The term ... Die psychopathischen Personlichkeiten). This case demonstrates maladjustment ( economic, social, legal, international, etc. Dr.. ) All over the country. It may be added in selected. P. Serbian an indication of psychopathy as a lack of criticism. Based on the foregoing conclusion that there is a L. psychopathy, I think reasonable. From what kind of psychopathy as we are dealing with?.
A personality analysis.... These features determine the total and all the mental image of this person.
As can be seen from the above, L. suffers from mosaic psychopathy, t. e. the same disease, which, according to numerous well-known studies of leading Russian and Western psychiatrists, and suffered. Stalin and A. Hitler.
With regard to the current situation in Belarus, independent analysts estimate it this way: ... And this warning should be taken very seriously. <...>Beyond these subjective psychological ( sometimes just mental ) characteristics (Lukashenko - AVT. ) Can be seen quite a serious process - perhaps the most dangerous attempt to return, if not all of the former Soviet Union, then at least the Belarusian- Russian part of the state of the Red Hole in the global political and legal space ...
www. compromat. ru.
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